


public administration, professional sports, corruption, state intervention in the regulation of professional sports, regulatory and legal mechanisms


The article analyzes the regulatory and legal mechanisms of public management of the development of professional sports in Ukraine. Modern professional sports are significantly different from all historical forms. It has turned into a branch of a modern mass phenomenon that has social value. It occupies a large place in the system of social values.

Professional sports operate on the basis of a specific system of social values. It contributes to the assimilation and consolidation of these values, forms one of their main complexes. The trends taking place are contradictory. The natural capabilities of a person cannot be realized without the active, guiding participation of stimuli of social origin. The priority of the social here is obvious and consists in managing the development of the natural, its peculiar balancing in connection with the changing conditions and requirements of life.

The sphere of public administration in the field of professional sports needs modernization. However, the improvement of many processes cannot be done only by the forces of the state apparatus, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the institutions of public society of the country. Thus, according to some authors, the central place in this matter should be given to Professional unions (clubs) of sportsmen.

To date, the experience of public management in the field of professional sports cannot be called successful. In this regard, the following problems should be solved: find the optimal combination of self-regulation and public management in the field of professional sports; establish the limits of public management of public relations in the field of professional sports; to ensure an effective and optimal system of financing young athletes, sports schools and their development; to form a normative-legal document that would provide for the development of professional sports, for example, the Concept of development and innovation of management in the field of professional sports in Ukraine for 2024-2034.

The solution to these problems cannot be unambiguous and simple: on the one hand, it is necessary to prevent excessive state interference in the affairs of sports organizations, which is dangerous and can destroy the system of legal regulation created by sports organizations. On the other hand, the problems of ensuring public order, bribery of participants in sports events, use of doping and corruption in sports cannot be solved without the help of the state. Accordingly, the state must understand its role and more clearly define the limits of its participation in the legal regulation of public relations in the field of professional sports.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Marshalyuk, graduate student of the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine





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How to Cite

Marshalyuk В. (2024). REGULATORY AND LEGAL MECHANISMS OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 83–90.