
  • Serhii Kachmar Postgraduate student of Department of Management and Business Administration at Institute of Graduate Studies and Pre-university Education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8519-447X




state regulation, legislation, book publishing, socio-economic development, scientific and technical progress, innovative projects, E-support


This article is a comprehensive exploration of the influence of state regulation on the development of the publishing and printing industry. It examines the current problems and challenges faced by publishing and printing enterprises, and the tools and approaches of government intervention aimed at supporting and developing this industry. The article delves into the impact of legislative regulation on the publishing and printing business, the mechanisms of financial support for publishing houses and printing enterprises, and the role of state programs in stimulating the development of the industry. It analyses the works of renowned scientists on the problem of state management of the publishing and printing industry. The effectiveness of various instruments of state regulation is evaluated, determining their pros and cons. Successful and unsuccessful approaches to support the publishing and printing industry are explored, and opportunities for improving existing programs and strategies are considered. The article underscores the importance of developing innovative approaches in the publishing and printing industry and their impact on the competitiveness and development of the industry as a whole. It examines new technologies and methods in the publishing process, and the possibilities of their implementation with the help of state support and stimulation. A mathematical model has been developed that allows for the generalization of decision-making regarding the management of the publishing and printing industry, considering various parameters and limitations. The article offers recommendations on the optimal tools and approaches of state regulation aimed at supporting and developing the publishing and printing industry. It provides specific proposals for improving existing programs and strategies, and highlights the potential for further research and development of new innovative approaches to stimulate the development of this important industry.


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How to Cite

Kachmar С. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF STATE REGULATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLISHING AND PRINTING: ANALYSIS OF TOOLS AND APPROACHES. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 66–74. https://doi.org/10.31470/2786-6246-2024-8-66-74