


state administration, agro-industrial complex, agricultural enterprises, digitalization, robotics, unmanned lethal and transport vehicles, artificial intelligence


The article carries out a systematic analysis of the introduction of digitalization in the state management of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The author noted that the use of digital technologies plays an important role in the management system of the agro-industrial complex, with the help of which it is possible to implement the process of significantly increasing the profitability of business and the efficiency of business processes, thanks to savings and more rational use of specific resources, increasing the productivity of activities, increasing the stability of management and reducing commercial and production risks.

The agro-industrial complex has three priority directions in the modern Ukrainian economy for the introduction of advanced digital technologies, in particular: systematic use of resources; use of digital technology; introduction of digital agricultural management.

The author considered the main innovative solutions, which are considered to be related to the concept of a smart agro-industrial complex, which contribute to reducing costs, in particular: 1. Unmanned vehicles. In the future, this innovative solution is the basis of a smart agro-industrial complex. 2. Unmanned aerial vehicles. Can be used on an intelligent farm. At the same time, there is the possibility of using both ground and aerial drones with cameras and highly sensitive sensors that allow you to explore land plots and obtain data for creating electronic maps of fields in 3D format, determine the NDVI indicator (normalized vegetation index), take inventory of activities, and protect the territory and other. 3. Sensors and sensors. The use of various sensors in the agricultural industry is one of the most important directions for the formation of an intelligent farm. 4. GPS in agriculture. If the equipment is equipped with a navigation system, it will be possible to increase the accuracy of plant seed planting, to monitor the route of all equipment used in the agro-industrial sector. 5. IoT platforms. The development of digitization and the Internet of Things in the agricultural industry can contribute to the transformation of this complex into a high-tech business, which is determined by increasing productivity and reducing non-productive costs, which are attributes of "Agriculture 4.0". 6. Big data. In the future, the specified innovative solution will also be used in the digital platform of the agro-industrial sector. 7. Robotics and sensors. Robotics, which is the application of sensors and robotic systems to perform certain operations and replace a complex of labor professions, is already being implemented in the agro-industrial sector. In this field, the process of replacing work specialties (drivers, tractor drivers, etc.) with machine systems or robots is expected in the near future.


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How to Cite

Honcharenko О. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITALIZATION IN THE STATE ADMINISTRATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL COMPLEX OF UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 36–43.