


government agrarian policy, European integration, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, recovery


The article proves the necessity of researching the development of the Ukrainian government's agrarian policy in the conditions of European integration. The purpose of the article was to determine the direction of further development of the state agrarian policy of Ukraine, taking into account European integration challenges and wartime risks, for the restoration of the agro-industrial complex. The information base for the writing was the reports and analytical materials of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Agrarian and Land Policy, the Institute of Strategic Studies of Ukraine, the Oleksandr Rozumkov Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies, the international conference in Lugano, the Recovery Plan of Ukraine 2022 and other statistical materials. The article pays attention to the mechanisms of European integration of Ukraine and achievements in this direction in 2022-2023. Particular attention is paid to sectoral integration, namely the results of the European integration process of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The changes in the structure of the agro-industrial complex during military operations were analyzed and the directions of the state regarding the regulation of these processes at the level of the state and regions were determined. Also, the Recovery Plan of Ukraine was considered from the standpoint of identifying problems and ways to overcome them in the agro-industrial sector of the economy to ensure further movement towards the European market.

In the conclusions, it is determined that the priorities of the new government agrarian policy of Ukraine in the process of recovery and European integration will be: providing direct financial support to farmers by diversifying agricultural production and creating food and energy systems; stimulating ecological and social sustainability of food systems in Ukraine by the European Green Course; development of the potential of institutions related to ensuring climate-sustainable recovery; assistance to farmers in the wise use of funds allocated for preparation for EU accession, to integrate the agricultural sector of Ukraine into the EU system.


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How to Cite

Chechel А., & Zgara І. (2024). CURRENT CHALLENGES OF THE GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURAL POLICY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (7), 143–152.