public administration, digitalization, digitalization of public administration, organizational aspect, subject of public administration, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, functions, functions of policy formationAbstract
The article highlights the organizational aspect of the digitalization of public administration in Ukraine, in particular, the functions of its main subject – the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Our analysis indicates that the organizational aspect of the digitalization of public administration in Ukraine has not been studied. It was found that the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine is the main subject of public administration, which organizes the entire process of digitalization of public administration in Ukraine. At the same time, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine carries out not only the formation but also the implementation of state policy in the areas of digitization, digital development, digital economy, digital innovations and technologies, robotics and robotics, electronic government and electronic democracy, development of the information society, informatization and other related areas.
All the functions of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine were considered and grouped under the following perspective: policy-making functions and policy implementation functions. It was established that the functions of policy formation are the main ones for the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, as a ministry by the Law of Ukraine "On Central Bodies of Executive Power". At the same time, given the fact that the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, as a member of the Government, is personally responsible for the formation and implementation of state policy in the areas defined by legislation, the need for deconcentration of the functions of the Ministry as an institution of public administration (policy-making functions) and transfer other institutions of public management of policy implementation functions. This deconcentration of functions will contribute to the strengthening of the democratic foundations of public administration.
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