public administration, innovations, innovations in public administration, E-governance, digitalization of public administration, guidelines of public administration development, public serviceAbstract
The article considers innovative approaches to the implementation of public administration in conditions of uncertainty.
Attention is focused on innovations and innovative activities in the system of public management and administration in Ukraine, EU countries, and the USA.
An overview of innovative approaches to public administration that have been applied in conditions of uncertainty was carried out: target public administration, object-oriented public administration, intellectual self-regulation, etc. E-government has been emphasized as a separate cluster related to innovation in public management activity and the aspects of its application in Ukraine and some developed countries of the world (EU member states have been identified, the USA) have been identified. The review of the innovative electronic format for public management as a response to the globalization trends in the industry improvement has been provided.
The segment of innovative development has been identified as a component of public management and administration directly in Ukraine. The contexts of the implementation of public management innovations in the context of Ukraine’s implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU dated March 21, 2014, have been considered.
Innovative mechanisms for changing the organizational and structural standards of public authorities have been studied highlighting the chain «organizational public-authority structures – managerial strategizing – mobilization of human resources – innovative and creative system of public administration (authority)».
The peculiarities of the introduction of innovations and innovative activities in the system of public administration have been determined from theoretical, logical, and conceptual theories. The key theories of public management have been considered and the most effective and relevant methodologies of innovative public management activity, in the opinion of the author, have been outlined.
The goals of public administration transformations in Ukraine and the specifics of the domestic E-governance implementation in conditions of geopolitical instability and national-state challenges have been determined.
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