public administration, mechanisms of public administration, development of export potential, agricultural sector of the economy, export stimulation, competitiveness, public regulation, state agricultural policyAbstract
Currently, the agricultural sector is a vital component of Ukraine’s economy, contributing to the growth of gross domestic product and the reduction of unemployment. The development of this sector is determined not only by domestic demand but also by the opportunities for exporting agricultural products to external markets. However, to maximize the export potential, active implementation of export policy is necessary. The increasing demand for Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets creates opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector and increases its profitability. This process is complicated by changes in international trade agreements, the introduction of tariff barriers and changes in technical standards, blockades of export routes, and the consequences and risks of military actions, which limit access to external markets for Ukrainian goods.
In this context, it is important to focus on developing export policy, adapting to changes in the international trade environment, ensuring high standards of quality and safety of products. It is also necessary to improve mechanisms to support exporters and create favorable conditions for their activities in external markets, ensure protection and effective insurance against military risks. Overall, effective public administration is an important factor in the successful implementation of the export strategy and ensuring sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy in the global economic environment.
The research results indicate the need to form an effective strategy for the development of Ukraine’s agricultural exports, taking into account the various challenges facing the agricultural sector of the country’s economy. Important aspects include adaptation to climate change, development of export infrastructure, and support for producers in the form of state financial support, measures to expand markets, and post-war recovery. The analysis of instruments and directions of development presented in the strategy for the development of agricultural exports indicates the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the agricultural sector of the economy.
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