public administration, public authorities, public-private partnership, public policyAbstract
The article analyzes the current state and main problems of implementing public-private partnerships in Ukraine. In particular, a description is given of contracts on public-private partnership terms for the period 2022-2023. A list of areas and forms of implementation of public-private partnerships is presented, by which public-private partnerships are financed. The main reasons for the slowdown in the development of public-private partnerships are indicated, in particular, due to the presence of problems relating to the peculiarities of the status of objects, in particular in terms of determining ownership. The institutions and features of their activities in the implementation of public-private partnership projects are indicated. It has been revealed that for a long time in Ukraine, a situation has persisted where at the central and local levels several government bodies are responsible for supporting projects within the framework of public-private partnerships, and we are talking about duplication of functions of the State Agency for Investments and Management of National Projects and the Ministry development of the economy, trade and agriculture of Ukraine. Therefore, the tasks of the authorities remain relevant in terms of implementing pilot public-private partnership projects, which will make it possible to effectively solve pressing problems of public life and demonstrate the advantages of using projects within the framework of public-private partnerships. The problems of public-private partnerships indicated in the article indicate the need to develop and implement effective public policies to solve them, in particular, the priority should be the introduction of an effective mechanism for providing state support in the field of public-private partnerships, the consistency of the regulatory framework on public-private issues partnerships, improvement of the tariff regulation mechanism and economic groundlessness of tariffs. The article achieved the goal, namely, research was carried out on the current state and main problems of the development of public-private partnerships in Ukraine through the prism of regulatory and institutional aspects.
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