
  • Hennady Kazakov Candidate of Historical sciences (Ph. D. in History), Leading Desk Officer, Teaching and  Scientific Research Methodologies Department at High School of Public Governance



artificial intelligence, public service, ChatGPT, professional activity, neural network


The article is devoted to the problem of using the ChatGPT artificial intelligence algorithm in the professional activities of public servants. Today, artificial intelligence is gaining more and more popularity, which is why it is impossible to prevent its use in the activities of people of various professions. Therefore, there is a requirement to create recommendations that would allow the most efficient use of artificial intelligence algorithms, while not making people dependent on it. The results of the research are obtained through practical testing of various functional tasks through artificial intelligence, namely the version of ChatGPT 3.5 from OpenAI. The international and Ukrainian legal acts that regulate the activity and use of artificial intelligence were studied and it was determined that today Ukraine is only beginning to develop a legislative framework in this field.

The main areas of application of the algorithm are identified, such as facilitating the generation of ideas, searching for information, and preparing drafts. It is noted that ChatGPT can be useful when processing large amounts of information, searching for changed text, as well as in other aspects of working with a large amount of data. It is indicated that a chatbot can become a kind of educational hub that allows you to quickly get concise information on urgent issues.

At the same time, ChatGPT is characterized by several disadvantages: «neural network hallucination», limited volume of generated text, need for preliminary explanations, user dependence on the algorithm, etc. Based on this the author concludes that ChatGPT in today’s realities is not able to replace public servants, but can only be used as an auxiliary tool to speed up the performance of some routine tasks. The author sees it rather as a tool for optimizing work, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a humanitarian approach and control over the activities of artificial intelligence in the field of public service.

Author Biography

Hennady Kazakov, Candidate of Historical sciences (Ph. D. in History), Leading Desk Officer, Teaching and  Scientific Research Methodologies Department at High School of Public Governance


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How to Cite

Kazakov Г. (2024). USING CHATGPT IN PUBLIC SERVICE: DISADVANTAGES AND ADVANTAGES. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (7), 48–56.