young generation, educational system, curriculum, national security, state administration, educational institutionAbstract
In the conditions of repelling armed aggression by the Russian Federation against our state, the question of the effectiveness of the educational process in all sections of the educational system became significantly more active. The formation, implementation, and improvement of the model of training the young generation in modern geopolitical realities and militarization processes of building a new Ukrainian society is the state administration's main task in the education field. One of the state administration's key tasks in training the young generation according to the militarization vector of Ukraine’s activities remains the creation of appropriate conditions for the possibility of effective influence on all subjects of the educational process. The article examines the current state of the educational system in the aspect of training the young generation to ensure the national interests of the state. The main drawback in the construction and implementation of a new training program for the young generation in modern geopolitical realities is the lack of a unified approach of the public administration to its management. The article examines the current state of the legislation regulating the educational system on the path of transformation and adaptation to the modern vector of state administration development. Regulation and improvement of the implementation of educational activities in primary and secondary schools is an underestimated aspect of implementing effective state policy in the field of education by the public administration within the framework of laying the foundations of basic knowledge of national security. The article examines the key shortcomings of the educational system during its adaptation to the geopolitical realities around Ukraine. In the context of the implementation of the policy of militarization, there is a risk of violation by the public administration of the prescribed catalog of rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of citizens. The active participation of the young generation in the system of ensuring the national interests of the state has a multifaceted and upward significance. To ensure the fulfillment of the needs and interests of society, it is the young generation that acts as a safeguard against the violation of basic values by the state. The article examines the role of the young generation during the implementation of a certain state policy.
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