compulsory health insurance, voluntary health insurance, insurance companiesAbstract
The ability to obtain necessary, timely and high-quality medical care plays a key role in ensuring a high degree of social protection for citizens. Every year, the population of Ukraine is declining, the health status of citizens of working age is deteriorating, and the number of economically active people is decreasing. Therefore, the introduction of a health insurance system is a prerequisite for ensuring the success of the healthcare reform launched in 2017.
The article analyzes the current state of the national healthcare system. The author defines the procedure for realization of the right to free medical care in Ukraine. The fact of chronic underfunding of the industry is established. In support of this, the dynamics of changes in the share of health care expenditures in the consolidated budget and in the gross domestic product are graphically displayed and analyzed. The author compares the level of health care spending in Ukraine with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The state of the voluntary health insurance market is analyzed, the impact of a full-scale war with the Russian Federation on the processes taking place in it is determined. The list of leading companies in this market segment in terms of insurance premiums for the first 9 months of 2022 is studied, the dynamics of changes in insurance premiums compared to the same period in 2021 is determined. The results of the insurance market review in 2022 conducted by the National Bank of Ukraine are systematized.
The pitfalls encountered by voluntary health insurance are structured, namely: unwillingness to sell insurance policies to persons under the age of 18 and over 35, insurance companies’ attempts to limit treatment even within the established limits, setting the length of a patient’s hospital stay, etc. The author determines the status of introduction of compulsory health insurance into domestic practice at the beginning of 2022 and analyzes the latest trends in this area. The model on the basis of which it is planned to deploy a compulsory insurance network in the future is considered. The problems of introducing voluntary and compulsory health insurance in Ukraine are systematized. The author identifies the measures that should be taken to address the stated problems.
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