cybersecurity, cyber defense, cyber attack, healthcare, information systems and registriesAbstract
The article reveals the key threats and challenges to the cybersecurity system of information systems and registries in the healthcare sector. The author examines the features of the e-Health Concept and finds out that in terms of the cybersecurity system, it provides for the informatization of healthcare institutions, approval of the conceptual and reference base of digital competencies of healthcare professionals, development of information culture and digital competence, cybersecurity and cyberhygiene of medical staff and patients. The ways to ensure the quality, safety and accessibility of eHealth in the area of cybersecurity are highlighted. The features of the Loan Agreement dated 22.12.22 №9468-UA between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Bank under the project «Strengthening the Health System and Saving Lives» are analyzed, which provides for the development of the main modules of the eHealth system, including registration of healthcare professionals, patient data portal, eHealth modules for disability and rehabilitation groups, improvement of cybersecurity of health-related data, integration of digital health systems. It is found that the full-scale invasion of the enemy on the territory of Ukraine has brought new threats and challenges related to the need to increase the level of cybersecurity of information systems and registries and the development of eHealth in general. The key threats and challenges associated with the impact of the war on the healthcare cybersecurity system are noted. The main tasks of the working group in the context of the development and implementation of the Concept of Strategic Directions for the Development of Cybersecurity in the Field of Electronic Healthcare are revealed. Technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of cybersecurity in the healthcare sector are presented.
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