decentralization, public administration, local self-government reform, competence, territorial community, regional development, local development, administrative and territorial structureAbstract
The article outlines two main concepts of interaction between public authorities and local self-government bodies in the context of the right of territorial communities to exercise their powers. According to the provisions of the first concept, territorial communities are historically earlier subjects of public administration than the State which was created by their unification.
That is why local self-government bodies have the same right to exercise their regional competence as state authorities. According to the second concept, territorial communities receive their powers from the state, so although they are autonomous, they are politically derived from the state.
The purpose of the scientific study is to comprehensively investigate the issue of delegation of competence of state authorities and local self-government bodies.
The author concludes that, in general, the above concepts and theories can be summarized as follows: Local communities are viewed as subjects of rights that historically belong to them and are not granted by the state. Therefore, state interference in the affairs of local self-government is unacceptable. Officials in these bodies represent the community, not the state, and cannot be subordinate to state officials. The political rights of the state cannot be greater than the political rights of community self-government. It is believed that decentralization of administrative power is necessary and natural, and the power of territorial communities is represented as a State within the State and is equal to it in legal status.
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