administrative services, reforms, European experience, administrative reform, digitalizationAbstract
This article is devoted to a comparative analysis and study of practices in the field of administrative reform in Europe and Ukraine. The article highlights the innovative approaches implemented in the countries of the European Union, and considers the possibilities of their implementation in the conditions of the modern Ukrainian system.
The authors analyze key aspects such as e-governance, digital technologies, public involvement and optimization of administrative processes. The research is based on a retrospective analysis of the achievements of the countries of the European Union in this direction, as well as an assessment of how these initiatives can be adapted and implemented in the conditions of modern Ukrainian administrative practice.
The problem is justified by the need to improve the processes of providing administrative services in the context of global trends and standards determined by the experience of the countries of the European Union. Special attention is paid to problems such as bureaucratic complexity, inefficiency, insufficient use of digital technologies and low level of satisfaction of citizens with administrative services in Ukraine.
The author noted that digital transformation and active use of modern technologies can determine a new level of accessibility and speed of receiving services. The introduction of electronic document management and online services will facilitate the simplification of bureaucratic procedures. It is also necessary to emphasize the improvement of staff qualifications and the implementation of a feedback system to improve interaction with citizens.
Expanding electronic document flow and interaction with the business sector can contribute to the efficient operation of the system. Cooperation with the public and the involvement of public organizations in the decision-making process also determine new directions for creating a more open and flexible service delivery system.
In general, the improvement of the system of providing administrative services should be restrained not only by the introduction of modern technologies, but also by a deep structural transformation that takes into account the specifics of Ukrainian realities and meets the highest quality standards, providing citizens with convenient and efficient administrative services.
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