
  • Viktor Vyshnivskyi Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Science of State University of Information and Communication Technologies
  • Yurii Katkov Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science of State University of Information and Communication Technologies
  • Svitlana Petkun Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Management and Administration of State University of Information and Communication Technologies



Management of social security of the state, threats to social security of the state, information society, digital transformation


The article is devoted to topical issues of managing the social security of the state in the context of digital transformation. One of its important aspects is considered: the management of the social security of the state in the context of digital transformation, attention is paid to assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of digital management tools and monitoring their quality. Based on the analysis of the essence of social security in relation to the State, society and individual, the paper determines that the main tasks of social security are: social protection and the state of protection of vital social security objects from various threats, which are the subject of monitoring. Based on the consideration and analysis of the challenges and threats to social security of the State, society and individual, the author identifies the management digital tools of social security and shows the impact of information technology (digitalization of the social sphere) on the quality of monitoring. Based on the study of the content of digitalization of the social sphere, the author concludes that information technologies in the form of various registers, information systems, social assistance services and mobile applications with mobile money ensure the implementation of social services, social assistance, social insurance and social promotion in the labor market. The article considers a promising direction of digitalization of the social sphere based on the introduction of the concept of building social network platforms, which allows combining numerous digital social protection tools, eliminating data duplication and complete updating, and using mobile communication technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is concluded that such platforms allow to cover all beneficiaries, speed up the identification of beneficiaries, ensure data updates, and eliminate errors. In practice, this improves the quality of monitoring, facilitates work with the population, and allows them to register independently through applications, submit an application through a mobile application, and edit their data independently through the application. Based on the analysis of digital transformation tools, methods (models) for assessing the effectiveness of digital tools and their monitoring are identified, namely efficiency and effectiveness; responsibility or responsiveness; inclusiveness. The author considers the model of social protection provision, which has the following stages: explanatory (outreach) work and registration, enrollment, delivery, filing complaints and compensation for losses. The author shows the conditions under which the digitalization of the social protection system can show the advantages, as well as signs of disadvantages and risks from the introduction of information technology.


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How to Cite

Vyshnivskyi В., Katkov Ю., & Petkun С. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY OF THE STATE IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (6), 49–62.