
  • Zoriana Buryk doctor of science in public administration, professor of Department of Public Administration and Management at Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav



government administration, public administration, human-centric concepts, management activities, governance processes, decision-making


The article explores key aspects of the development of the human-centric concept in public administration, specifically changes in approaches to defining goals, strategies, and management tools aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of citizens. The author systematizes and analyzes research results in the fields of sociology, political science, and public administration to identify major trends in the evolution of human-centric approaches. Additional emphasis is placed on the impact of globalization and the development of information technologies on the interaction between government and citizens. The research findings can be beneficial for professionals in public administration interested in improving strategies and tools focused on active citizen participation in decision-making and policy formation. This study examines the evolution of the human-centric concept within the context of public administration. The author analyzes the historical development of this concept, noting key paradigms and contemporary changes. Special attention is given to the influence of sociocultural and technological transformations on redefining the role of individuals in public administration. The research is based on the analysis of current theoretical approaches and practical examples of implementing human-centric strategies in modern conditions. The obtained results can be used to enhance approaches to public administration, taking into account the interests and needs of citizens, contributing to the development of more effective and interactive management models.

The work also addresses challenges and obstacles that may arise during the implementation of human-centric approaches in public administration and proposes an analysis of strategies to overcome them. The research conclusions aim to promote further development and improvement of public administration with active citizen participation and consideration of citizens’ needs. The author states that the development of the concept of people-centrism in the system of public administration, and modern approaches to this issue indicate a rapid movement of society in the direction of greater recognition and participation of citizens in the formation of policy, and this opens up new opportunities for the joint construction of a modern, open and fair society.


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How to Cite

Buryk З. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN-CENTRIC CONCEPT IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (6), 21–34.